Big Dream Documentary Film Screening at SXSWEdu

Big Dream documentary screening SXSWedu March 9 2015
The Big Dream screening also featured a great panel discussion, with (l to r) Kelly Cox of Iron Way Films, Meredith Walker of Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls, Rane Johnson-Stempson of Microsoft and Tricia Berry of The University of Texas at Austin.

I had the pleasure today of attending the SXSWedu screening of the inspiring film Big Dream, a documentary that tells the intimate stories of seven young women who are breaking barriers as they follow their passion in science, technology, engineering, and math—the acronymically named STEM fields.

Being a technology company, we were extremely proud to be associated with this film and the Big Dream Movement, headed up by Microsoft and Iron Way Films, the production company behind the documentary.

We contributed in our own way by designing and developing the Big Dream Movement website and it has been both gratifying and exciting to watch this cause continue to expand and generate the widespread support it deserves.

The film itself is fantastic. Each woman’s story is told through a combination of first person webcam-style footage, day-in-the-life shots filmed by the production team of Kelly Cox and Lucas Longacre of Iron Way Films, and interviews done with the women, their friends and families.

The result is an inside, very personal look at how these young women are striving to establish themselves in male-dominated industries.

Each of the women are shown overcoming significant obstacles, and not just dealing with gender stereotypes, as they move closer to their own particular big dream.

And they are big. From “starting a female revolution and changing the face of computer science forever” to “winning the Noble Prize before the age of 30” — none of these young women are assuming timid roles in society.

If you know of anyone who wishes to inspire women to pursue their dreams in the STEM fields, encourage them to visit the Big Dream Movement website and request a screening. There are also numerous resources and partners there that can help someone interested to further their study and future.

From a personal viewpoint, the film doesn’t just inspire girls…I left the theater with just as much enthusiasm and renewed commitment for using the incredible technology available today to reach others and improve their lives.

Additional resources:

Big Dream Movement website


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