Mobile Responsive Websites: How They Can Increase Leads By 176%

Mobile marketing trends
Another mobile internet user shocked at a non-responsive website

UPDATE: This post was originally written in 2013, but the latest news from Google makes mobile websites more vital today and in the future. Google has announced that starting April 21, 2015, new mobile friendly search rules will start rolling out. If a website is mobile-friendly, it will appear higher in mobile searches. Wondering if your site is “mobile friendly”? Check it here using Google’s own tool.

Bottom line: if your website is not mobile friendly…mobile searchers won’t even be given a chance to find you.

Originally published: August 2013

According to a 2012 Pew Research report, 55% of cell phone users use their phones to go online. Frankly, I’m surprised it’s that low. [Note as of mid-2013 it is in fact higher–up to 63% per Pew. The next released results will undoubtedly be higher still.]

Given that millions of Americans are browsing the web on their phone, tablet or other portable devices, is your business website accessible in an easy-to-use format? Put another way, does your business have a “mobile responsive” website?

A mobile responsive website simply means one that is designed to give mobile visitors the optimum experience on their phone or tablet. For a well-known example, the Boston Globe redesigned their site to be mobile responsive. It automatically adjusts to fit the viewing device, be it an iPhone or Nexus tablet.

A surprising number of businesses, big and small, still present mobile visitors with their full-size website, alienating visitors right off the bat and inducing squinting, pinching, zooming or worse – grumbling, muttering and leaving.

Does making a website mobile friendly make a difference in business?

Google mobile search update April 2015 - What to do!To answer this, we’ll pull back the curtain and reveal one client’s story: A local dental clinic approached us in mid-2012. They had a static non-responsive website they hated. It was ugly, it didn’t convert visitors to new patients and, to make matters worse, was being managed by a company that was not responsive to their needs.

Needless to say, the site was as unresponsive as their existing marketing company. So we got to work—meeting with the client, agreeing on goals and implementing the strategies to achieve them, such as content marketing, press releases and pay-per-click ad management.

But first and foremost, the action we took was immediately making their new website mobile responsive. This included putting their phone number and location prominently at the top of their website, which gave mobile visitors a fast and easy way to contact them and make appointments. We also started a targeted mobile ad campaign.

The results, in a word, have been explosive:

  • Mobile traffic to their site has gone from 38% of total traffic to nearly 78%. The site’s overall traffic, fueled by content marketing strategies, has increased by 128%
  • Because their mobile website was set up to capture these visitors and turn them into patients, calls into their office have increased a staggering 176%

Know Thyself…or Find Someone Who Does

Know where your potential customers are.

Know how they can find you.

Know how to present and market your online presence so they can easily connect with you.

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